Kocaeli University and Litpa Lighting CO.

As Litpa Lighting CO. we have signed the protocol between Kocaeli University, the protocol includes setting up ‘’Illumination Level Measurement and Research Center’’ in the Kocaeli University, Electrical Engineering Faculty. The protocol has been signed by Litpa Lighting Co. Chairman of Board Mr.Aydın Işık and Kocaeli University rector Prof. Sadettin Hülagü.


‘’Illumination Level Measurement and Research Center’’  Is Going to Set !

The protocol ceremony organized at 24.04.2015 in Kocaeli University Rectorate with attendance of Litpa Lighting CO. Member of Board Mr.Hakan Ünsalan , Kocaeli University Vice-Rectors Prof. Bekir Çakır, Kocaeli University Chief Officer Dr. Fatih Akbulut and Electrical Engineering Faculty Member of Board Ass. Prof. Canan Perdahçı.

The protocol aims with ‘’Illumination Level Measurement and Research Center’’ which is going to set in 4 month , supporting research and experimental studies , make collectively facilitating conferances and seminars , creating projects for undergraduate students and encourage them for the future steps.


Research Studies and Facilitating Seminars will be Organized !

The ‘’Biodynamic Lighting Systems’’ which is supported by TUBITAK is going to develop by Litpa Lighting CO. and Ass. Prof. Canan Perdahçı with volunteer students in Center. Also tests , research will be supported by TUBITAK and proffesional experience about lighting devices and information seminars will be organized in Center.